Pregnancy & Perinatal Care
Pregnancy is a time of significant change at all levels of your being. Dr. Anne can help you maintain a healthy pregnancy by assessing and addressing symptoms such as fatigue, poor immunity, low platelets, morning sickness, and muscle cramps as well as conditions such as gestational diabetes, post-partum anxiety and depression, subchorionic hemorrhaging, placenta previa, PUPPP, anxiety, and more. This is achieved with acupuncture, diet & nutrition, herbs & supplements, counselling, and birth doula services.
Dr. Anne can set you up for a positive birth and post-partum experience whether you are under the care of an OB/GYN or a midwife.
Birth Doula
A doula is a trained professional who provides informational, physical, and emotional support to a mama during her pregnancy, the birthing process, and the post-partum period. She’s like a personal trainer for pregnancy – she is a mentor, cheerleader, advocate, and partner.
A doula understands the physiology of birth as well as the emotional needs of the mother, helps the mother prepare for birth, recognises birth as a significant experience that the mother will carry with her forever, provides information to the mother in order for her to make educated decisions, stays with and supports the mother emotionally and physically during labour, allows and encourages the mother’s partner to participate to their comfort, and facilitates communication between the mother, her healthcare team, and her partner.
As a naturopathic birth doula, Dr. Anne is able to infuse her naturopathic expertise to the support provided. This may include prescribing safe and effective therapies to optimise maternal and foetal health, pain relief, and management of any health issues. This may include dietary and lifestyle counseling, supplementation, homeopathy, botanical medicine, acupuncture, and hydrotherapy.
Benefits Of Doula Care
Doula care has been associated with:
– Lower rates of preterm birth
– Lower incidences of C-sections
– Lower rates of induction
– Women feeling supported and informed throughout their pregnancy, labour, and post-partum periods
– Increased overall positive birth experiences
The doula program includes:
– 2 x 60-minute prenatal in-office visits
– Labour and birth attendance
– 1 x 30-minute post-partum phone consult
– 1 x 60-minute post-partum home or in-office visit
Dr. Anne wants to help you have a great birth experience, so if you have concerns about this program, she’s happyou to discuss alternative options that honour her services and your needs. She also encourages you to connect with a few doulas before you pick one.
Postpartum Care
After delivery comes healing, tremendous change in lifestyle, and new mothers can experience a variety of challenges such as anxiety, the blues, depression, limited mobility, perineal or incision healing, hair loss, issues with breastfeeding, and feeling lost amongst all the information out there.
Dr. Anne can help support you and your body with the changes that occur in the postpartum support and also connect you with other professionals such as pelvic floor physiotherapists, psychologists, massage therapists and more to help you have a positive fourth trimester.